Glaucoma known by the public as Eye Pressure is the condition where the intraocular pressure damages the visual nerve by making it thinner. Accordingly the visual field of the person gradually narrows. Glaucoma is an insidious disease that makes itself noticed in its last stage. When it is noticed late, it may lead to incurable and serious damages on the visual nerve. Therefore early diagnosis of glaucoma is of vital importance.
Symptoms of Glaucoma,
• Though not frequent, blurred vision
• Vision with reflections of light in the night vision
• Pains around eyes while watching TV
• Headaches
In Whom Glaucoma is Seen?
• Patients with high level of myopia
• Patients with high level of hyperopia
• Patients with variable blood pressure
• Severe eye injuries may lead to increase in the intraocular pressure.
• The intraocular pressure may also increase as a result of some eye surgeries.
• Long-term use of cortisones may cause glaucoma.
• In patients with diabetes and goitre the risk of glaucoma is higher.
• People over 35
• In patients with migraine
• Anaemia and sudden shock
• In people having a history of glaucoma in their families based on genes
Those people having these symptoms may have regular eye examinations in order to prevent any damage that may occur in the visual nerve with early diagnosis.
• Medication
Eye pressure is reduced by decreasing the production of intraocular fluid or increasing the outflow of this fluid. There are medicines to be used for these two methods. These medicines are the medicines taken at certain intervals during the day and requiring lifetime use. If the eye pressure does not decrease despite the medication, the treatment method to be applied is surgery.
• Surgical Treatment
It is ensured that the intraocular fluid be drained out of the eye. After surgeries, eye pressure is mostly eliminated.
• Laser Treatment
In treatment of eye pressure, in the first stage laser is used to prevent any glaucoma crisis of the other eye. The application point varies according to the type of the eye pressure of the patient. The time of intervention is about 10-15 minutes. The application is performed when the patient is in the sitting position. The patient can maintain his/her routine daily life after the application.