Childhood Eye Problems

A large number of eye problems may be seen in children.

Seeing myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism in children is not surprising.

This condition should be early noticed and when required, it should be ensured that the child wears glasses.

The nasolachrymal duct in 20 out of every healthy 100 infants is congenitally blocked.

In these infants severe crusty and dirty yellow watering in eyes are seen.

Until the infant is 1 year old , it is generally treating to apply massages by pressing on the nasolacrimal duct.

If there are any asymmetric refraction defects between two eyes in infants and children, amblyopia may occur in one of the eyes.

This risk is high for mostly asymmetric hyperopia.

In children with amblyopia diplopia is seen.

Amblyopia should be treated before the age of 6.

A serious retinal disorder called ROP may occur in infants who were born prematurely and stayed in an incubator and were exposed to high-pressure oxygen for a long time.

Such infants have to undergo detailed retinal examinations.

ROP is the case where the infant is born earlier with a retina, a part of which has not yet developed.

In the examination of fundus oculi, a linear border (ridge) is seen between the healthy retina and retina that has not yet developed.

The ROP treatment can be performed through argon laser or cooling treatment (cryotherapy) can be applied to the outer wall of the eye.

In children, an allergic conjunctivitis (eye cold) which is known by the public as spring allergy or pink eye and called in ophthalmology as vernalis, is frequently seen.

This disease emerges in almost all springs and continues until autumns until the child is 20 years old.

There are serious burning and itching in eyes.


The Treatment is performed with eye drops and takes long.

In children, an eye tumour called retinoblastoma may be also seen.

Retinoblastoma is a dangerous intraocular tumour.

It is congenital.

It is likely but not necessarily to be genetic.

It is generally treated through surgeries.

When it is not treated earlier, it may spread outside of the eye.

In early treatment, chance of success is very high.

ROP is a serious disease, when it is not treated earlier, it may be dangerous.

The retina which has not completed its development involves the risks of detachment (decollement) and blindness .